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“I love you” in Spanish

Learn how to say “I love you” in Spanish, without resorting to a dictionary, if you want to make a declaration of love in an original way. Please note that there are 2 ways to say “I love you”, depending on whether it is intended to family and friends, or to loved ones.

te amote̞ˈa̠.mo̞It’s often used to say „I love you” to the beloved
te amo con todo mi corazón= I love you with all my heart
te amo mi amor= I love you, my love
te amo mucho= I love you very much
te quieroIt’s often used to say „I love you” to family members and friends
te quiero mucho amiga= I love you very much, my friend
te quiero para siempre= I will love you forever

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